Mr. CHEOK Albert Saychuan
Independent Non-executive Director
Mr. CHEOK Albert Saychuan, is an Independent Non-executive Director. Mr. CHEOK is also the chairman of Nomination Committee, and a member of each of Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Company. He has been appointed as a Director since May 2015.
Mr. CHEOK graduated from the University of Adelaide, Australia with First Class Honours in economics. Mr. CHEOK is a fellow of CPA Australia. He is a banker with over 40 years of experience in banking and business consultancy in the Asia-Pacific region.
Between May 1979 and February 1982, Mr. CHEOK was an advisor to the Australian Government Inquiry into the Australian Financial System which introduced comprehensive reforms to the Australian banking system. He was the chief manager at the Reserve Bank of Australia from October 1988 to September 1989 before becoming the deputy commissioner of Banking of Hong Kong for about three and a half years. He was subsequently appointed as an executive director in charge of banking supervision at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority from April 1993 to May 1995. Mr. CHEOK was the chairman of Bangkok Bank Berhad in Malaysia, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bangkok Bank of Thailand, from September 1995 to November 2005. Mr. CHEOK was formerly the vice chairman of Export and Industry Bank, Inc., which is listed on The Philippine Stock Exchange, from February 2006 to April 2012. Mr. CHEOK was the vice president of the board of governors of the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance until end 2020.
Mr. CHEOK is the independent non-executive chairman of Amplefield Limited (listed in Singapore), an independent non-executive director of Supermax Corporation Berhad (listed in Malaysia), and a non-executive chairman of Forbidden Food Limited (listed in Australia).
Outside his various board capacities, Mr. CHEOK is a well accomplished personal investment banker and financial adviser to select clients in Hong Kong, the PRC and South East Asia. In this capacity he has been involved in several high profile mergers and acquisitions, asset acquisitions, corporate re-structuring, corporate strategies, brand image and building and private fund management. He has also been an adviser to governments in various capacities.
As at the date of this annual report, Mr. CHEOK had personal interest in 5,000 Shares (representing approximately 0.001% of the Shares in issue).