Established CALC (Tianjin) - the first wholly foreign-owned aircraft leasing company in Tianjin Free Trade Zone.
Became a major shareholder
Became a strategic shareholder
Purchase agreement with Airbus for 36 A320 aircraft
Purchased three used A300-600F aircraft from China Eastern together with six new A320 aircraft leases - CALC was the first Chinese lessor to complete fleet upgrade covering the disposal of old aircraft and provision of new aircraft
Hong Kong Listing (Stock Code: 1848.HK)
Purchase agreement with Airbus for 100 aircraft
RMB10 billion (equivalent to ~US$1.5 billion) facilities framework agreement
Completed land acquisition for the establishment of Asia’s first and large-scale aircraft disassembly facility
Issued the first Convertible Bond and RMB Medium Term Notes (MTN)
Started globalization initiative
Rental realization transactions raising over US$500 million in total
Issued US$600 million senior unsecured bond
Debut PDP Syndicated Loan at US$195 million
Closed first JOLCO
Closed first unsecured syndicated loan, raising US$425 million
Established a US$3 Billion Senior Unsecured Medium Term Note Program
Issued US$500 million Senior Unsecured Bonds
Purchased 50 New Boeing 737 MAX aircraft
Fully acquired Universal Asset Management through ARI
Purchased 50 Airbus A320neo aircraft
Purchased 50 new Boeing aircrafts
Established a MRO joint venture with FL Technics
Launched aircraft investment vehicle – CAG
China Aircraft Recycling Remanufacturing Base commenced operation
Purchased 15 additional Airbus A320neo aircraft, total order book with Airbus reached 217
Signed USD 840 Million aircraft PDP syndicated Loan, the largest aircraft PDP financing project in Asia
First CAAC accredited aircraft disassembler under the new CCAR-145 Civil Aircraft MRO Certificate Regulation
Purchased 40 new Airbus A321neo aircraft, accumulated order book with Airbus reached 252
Launched China's 1st ABS programme for aircraft leasing with a ceiling of RMB5 billion
Received AAA credit rating from Dagong Global Credit Rating
Placed order for 30 + 30 (option) ARJ21s with COMAC
Received a Ba1 corporate family rating from Moody's for the first time with a stable outlook
Received BB+ IDR for the first time from Fitch Ratings with a stable outlook
CALC’s MRO facility was approved to be included in the flight zone of Harbin Taiping International Airport
China's self-developed regional jet ARJ21 was officially delivered to Indonesian carrier TransNusa under CALC
CALC (TJ) issued RMB1.2 bn private bonds and RMB1.5 bn MTN
CALC (TJ) issued RMB1 billion debut low-carbon transition bond First of its kind in China’s aviation market
Received an upgrade to AAA from China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co. Ltd.
Celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment in new Miami office with UAM
Celebrated 10 years of partnership with Airbus
TransNusa completed its first overseas commercial flights of the China-made ARJ21 and launched several international routes to major Asian destinations
Launched the first sustainability-linked aircraft PDP syndicated loan in the global aircraft leasing industry with an initial size of US$360 million
CALC (1848.HK) celebrated its 10th listing anniversary
CALC delivered third ARJ21 aircraft to Transnusa
Secured first Ag- investment-grade rating with stable outlook
TransNusa added three new commercial routes to Chinese provincial capitals
Closed inaugural US$400 million warehouse facility
CALC (TJ) debuted RMB1bn sustainability-linked perpetual MTN with a record-low coupon rate of 2.7%